P5X Crystal Calculator

Use this tool to find out how many crystals you will have by the end of a banner in order to maximize your whaling efficiency.

Regularly farmable crystal sources known to be missing: Battle Pass, Events (Those will never be added.)

If you have any feedback pls send me a DM on discord @vgt789

I'm also planning on adding a tab with every one time reward and a way to track your progress.

When Does the Banner End? 0 days left
Current Crystals 0
Daily Missions Rewards 80/day 0
Daily Commissions Rewards 10/day 0
Daily Activities Rewards 0
SOS Bracket Reward 0
Sea of Souls Rewards 0
Guild Raid Reward 0
Character Trial Reward 0
New Version Code 0
Version Login Reward 0
Version Maintenance Mail 0
Monthly Shop 0
Monthly Crystal Pass 0
Total Crystals/Pulls by End Date 0 Character pulls 0 crystals